
Remedial massage is a natural therapy that aims to treat aches, pains and injuries to help the body repair and recover. It focuses on treating tense, damaged or knotted muscles and can help manage a number of health conditions, especially those affecting muscles, tendons and bones.

<h2>What Are The Benefits Of A Remedial Massage?</h2>
Hedgehog Massage's 8 reasons why a remedial massage is good for you.

<h3>1. It encourages blood flow</h3>
Remedial massage encourages blood flow to the tissues being treated by stimulating the circulatory system. Increasing blood flow to the area helps to speed up the healing process and repair damaged tissue.

<h3>2. It increases the range of joint motion</h3>
Remedial massage can help increase your joint range of motion. Your therapist will work on the muscles around your affected joint which can help aid joint mobility and restore your movement.

<h3>3. It releases tight and overworked muscles</h3>
Rebalance the length, tension and tone of muscles. Remedial massage works to release tight and overworked muscles, reduce spasms and assist in tissue regeneration.

<h3>4. It treats a wide range of health disorders</h3>
Remedial massage benefits a wide variety of health disorders. Common issues that can be treated with remedial massage include sporting injuries, muscle cramps, arthritis, whiplash, frozen shoulder. It can also be helpful for those suffering from insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, or disabilities such as multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and muscular atrophy.

<h3>5. It helps manage overall pain and injuries</h3>
Remedial massage works really well to help decrease pain with acute injuries, and alleviate pain in those with chronic conditions. Having a maintenance massage every couple of weeks or monthly can be extremely beneficial in managing your pain.

<h3>6. It relieves tight muscles</h3>
If you suffer from tight muscles, your remedial massage therapist will use trigger point techniques, as well as stretching techniques to elongate muscles that are abnormally tight. The techniques used can also help to break down adhesions such as scar tissue that may have formed after an injury

<h3>7. It reduces stress</h3>
Another great benefit of remedial massage is its effect on stress reduction. Remedial massage can promote a decrease in cortisol (the hormone produced when we are stressed and in pain). At Hedgehog Massage, this also promotes an increased level of serotonin and dopamine, to improve your mood, encourage relaxation and relieve your pain. Massage reduces both emotional and physical stress.

<h3>8. It relieves muscle tension, particularly in the neck and shoulder region</h3>
If you are looking to improve your posture, remedial massage can help by relieving muscle tension particularly in the neck and shoulder area. These muscles are prone to becoming very tight especially in office workers and those who use a computer all day.

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